A couple can give themselves the best possible chance of conceiving a child by following different measures and “little tricks”. In case of difficulty in having a baby (infertility, sterility, endometriosis), solutions exist.
How to make a child?
1 in 5 couples find it difficult to have a baby because they do not know the right times to have fertile sex. Small useful reminder: on a regular cycle (28 days), the 14th day remains the most fertile period , the 1st day corresponding to the first day of menstruation. The 4 days preceding the 14th day of the cycle and the following 4 days are days suitable for fertilization. The best period is between the 10th and 17th of the cycle. But it is purely theoretical. The cycle is extremely variable depending on the women. Some have ovulation very early or very late in the menstrual cycle. You can visit https://www.balancefertility.co.uk and learn more there.
Fertility period: calculation to know it, difference with ovulation
A woman’s fertility is cyclical. The fertility period corresponds to the phase of the menstrual cycle during which a couple can conceive. How to calculate it? What is the difference with ovulation? Can you get pregnant outside the fertility period?
1 in 5 couples have difficulty having a baby
Spot ovulation
It is interesting to know the date of ovulation. But it is not always simple. Some women can easily spot their ovulation because they feel it. Others can be helped by ovulation tests. These urine tests are to be performed in the morning with the first urine. They allow detection of the peak of the LH lutein hormone preceding ovulation for one or two days. The level of this hormone present in small quantities during the cycle increases suddenly just before ovulation causing the ovary to expel an egg. Ovulation tests thus detect an increase in the level of LH hormones in the urine 24 hours to 48 hours before ovulation. To carry out this test, it is enough to dip a strip in the urine then to analyze the color obtained: a very colored strip indicates the most favorable period. These tests do not have a perfect sensitivity. Ovulation is a relatively complex mechanism. Better to have a good frequency of sexual intercourse.
Recognize the symptoms of ovulation
Ovulation usually occurs 2 weeks before the start of menstruation, in women who have regular cycles. For those who have irregular cycles, it may be interesting to spot the signs of ovulation, especially when you want to get pregnant.
Ovulation period: easily calculate your ovulation date
Ovulation and fertilization are two important terms for understanding how the menstrual cycle works and knowing the best time to conceive a baby. Follow our guide to better control your body and try to get pregnant or on the contrary to avoid it.
Ovulation test: when to do it, how to use it, result
To identify your optimal fertility period and maximize your chances of getting pregnant, do an ovulation test. When to do it and how to use it? What does a positive or negative result mean?
Frequency of intercourse
The ovum lives a certain number of days, the sperm too. Fertilizing sexual intercourse can take place 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after ovulation. It is recommended to have regular sexual intercourse, every 2 or 3 days.